And The Grand Total Is...

Sunday, December 1, 2019
If you have been following my blog (or following us on Facebook) you will know that we have been holding a fundraiser for out grandson, Sawyer who was born with a 1 in a Million, rare condition called Xeroderma Pigmentosum.
Sawyer's body is unable to repair damaged DNA, and that damage mostly comes through the UV rays from the sun. Sawyer lives a life mostly indoors, but when he goes out, he needs to wear UV protective "gear" where every inch of his skin is covered in special clothing, gloves, helmet, etc.

Recently he went outside with his daddy to clean up the leaves. This is his life. He will forever be looking at life (while outdoors) through a protective shield.
When we started out on November 1st we had a blank thermometer

Dale & I purposed in our hearts to donate 10% of sales that each of our businesses brought in.
What we learned is that this fundraiser was not all about us giving from our businesses - in fact our businesses probably did not increase in sale one tiny bit because of it. We learned that God took this out of our hands from from the beginning and BLESSED this endeavor beyond our imagination.
Our Grand Total: $2,355.10!
We only had 1 day out of 30 where we had no sales or donations. That is quite a lot to say the least - like I said - We were blessed beyond our imagination.

Donations have come from near & far, from old & dear friends to brand new friends.  Donations came in from as close as next door and from as far as California. Some gave out of their bounty while others gave the "widows mite"  (Mark 12:41-44, Luke 21:1-4). EVERY.SINGLE.PENNY will help Jeff & Jessica as they meet the needs for Sawyer as he grows as well as for their trip to the National Institute of Health in Baltimore in February 2020.  We also hear, through the grapevine, that there may be more donations coming in past the November 30th deadline. That's GREAT! and we will definitely keep you posted.
Here is a personal thank you from Jeff & Jessica:
"Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen" Ephesians 3:20-21
This passage says it better than we ever could! We are overwhelmed and amazed by your love and generosity towards our family! Thank you for giving for Sawyer's care. This will be an incredible help, both now and into the future. We are beyond blessed, and thank God for each one of you!
                                                      - Jeff, Jessica, Sawyer, Lily and Mercy - 

Thanks for giving!
And thanks for stopping by!

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