7 Graduations, 7 Birthdays, 1 (end of season) Little League party, 144 Regular Sized Cupcakes, 32 Giant Cupcakes =
49 Cake Mixes, 147 eggs, 38# of powdered sugar, 19 batches of frosting, 12 fillings, 18# Crisco…
This weekend was the last Graduation Cake (and 2 dozen cupcakes) I had to make for this year. Whew! I made it!
This last cake was for another young man at church whose mother won the silent auction where I donated a cake for a fund raiser for our youth group.
Congratulations Michael!!

This is actually a cake on a cake. Michael loves NASCAR so wanted a race car theme with his school colors of Red and Gold.
So NOW what am I going to do with my time???
WEDDINGS!!! Bring on the WEDDINGS!!! So far I have four weddings booked - 2 in July, 1 in August and our son, Jeff and his fiance` Jessica, in October!! I am really looking forward to all the beautiful cakes for the weddings. It has been so fun to see everyone's individual personalities displayed through their choice of cake and decorations, looks like the wedding cakes will be no different.
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