BEFORE WE ARE IN OUR NEW HOME!I can hardly believe how fast this whole process has been. It has been one month exactly today that we signed papers to put our house up for sale, and now we only have one more week to live here. God has been extremely gracious and good through the whole process.
Our daughter in law, Jessica, asked me "What will you miss the most?"
I really had to think on that because I am so excited about the move and the change in lifestyle that I don't want to look back and have doubts about moving, but it did give me cause to think about what I would miss most.
I took a walk around our yard and enjoyed the beautiful fruit trees that Dale planted

This was when our apple trees where in bloom - aren't the blossoms gorgeous!!
Dale little orchard sports 2 Cherry Trees, 2 Apple Trees, 2 Pear Trees, 1 Peach Tree, and Grapevines with 3 varieties of grapes
Then there was the little garden we had behind the shed with Asparagus, Rhubarb, and Raspberries. The raspberries were special because they were cuttings from Dale's dad's very fruitful garden, but all our kids have taken some plants to transplant at their own homes so Grandpa Waite's raspberries will live on.

Continuing in the back yard - the spring time really does brighten up the place with the ornamental pear trees:

The three tier flower bed:


The busy backyard play area:

The train that Dale made for the kids to play on when Tyler was really "into" trains

The bench swing that Dale made me for Mother's Day one year


We have the most beautiful flowering tree in the front -
a perfect shape and gorgeous blossoms in the spring.
This year we had a lovely Robin family in our spiral tree

Inside the garage we had a gal paint this very cool eagle on the front wall

We are the HUDSONVILLE EAGLES after all!!
Plus we love the verse in scripture that says...
"They that wait on the Lord will renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."
Isaiah 40:31 (ESV)
I will definitely miss seeing this eagle each time I drive in my garage. He is one of a kind, painted by someone very special in our lives.
The guys might miss the make shift frisbee golf course they created and play most every summer holiday, like they did in this photo on Memorial day - marking their last game on this course.

Even Tyler is old enough to play with the big boys!

Will I miss the kids? Yes, but I am ready to move on.
Specifically I will miss...
Charlie's easy smile and giggles...
(and getting to know his new baby sister, soon to arrive)

Caleb's great hugs...

Eli's excited laugh when the kids play with him...

Parker's love of books...

(Julia gets to visit when Mommy has a meeting)
And Melina gets to have Monday morning breakfast with Auntie for her last year of grade school

But I do get to be Gramma to Tyler and Gracie
who are my top priority.
What I WON'T miss...
The two flights of stairs and the MANY trips up and down them on a daily basis
FOUR bathrooms! We will start out in the new place with only ONE and possibly put one in the basement at a future date.
What I WILL miss is...
The freedom of the friendship we have with our neighbors

And Joey popping in to borrow ... well ... whatever they need at that point
This day Joey came to borrow ketchup. I think he was just lucky I still had an open one in the refrigerator because our backup stash is LIMITED!

What do I plan to do at the new place with all my "free" time?
Well, I guess I better save that for a future blog.
Have a Blessed Day!