Sentimental Sunday

Sunday, August 30, 2020
We were finally able to celebrate our oldest grand child, Tyler's, graduation from high school
What a crazy year for these kids who could not finish out their senior year, then could not have the normal graduation ceremony.  Open house was another challenge with everything getting switched at last minute by the governor.
We were finally able to celebrate but it looked totally different than what it would have if things were "normal"
Julie rented our church's ministry center where we could have the food, but all the tables had to be outside - Thankfully the Lord blessed us with beautiful weather.
Family and friends stuck around to play some games and enjoy time together.
Here are some photos we took of that day!
 This first photo was taken on the night of his drive-up graduation ceremony
Julie did a great job on his displays. Tyler is a black belt (2nd level) in Karate so all of his belts were displayed along with pictures from when he started until he received his 2nd black belt.
It was so fun looking at all of his pictures of his growing up years. The black shirt is his uniform from the restaurant where he works as the pizza chef.
 It's been 4 years since I made cakes for anyone
Julie wanted 1 cake just for show. I used sparklers and really thought it would look cool when lit
 ...but not so much -
 I guess he was just happy to have grandma's cake again (French Vanilla with Raspberry Filling!)
And couldn't waste a chance to get a picture with Gracie.
She's almost as tall as me now.
I stayed at the cake table serving all night so didn't mingle much, and didn't get pictures of Tyler's table decorations. Julie had balloons tied to hand sanitizers at each table and I made Grad Hat's and Eagle heads (the schools mascot) on medallions for each bottle.
Next step: College - Best wishes Tyler as you pursue your dream!

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