Update on Katy

Sunday, March 7, 2021

 Let's do a family post today

Thought I would give you an update on our Katy. Katy is a 2-1/2 year old Shih Tzu.

Katy was having some "issues" and had to have some testing (X-Rays) - they had to shave her fur because they injected die so they could get the best image. I still can't believe she posed for me to get this picture.

Here is her X-Ray... that stone is taking up 90% of her bladder
After surgery - this is the stone
Dr Holt took really good care of her
Her stitches were pretty sore and she layed around a LOT. Poor baby!
She got some treats from her big brother and sister, Joey and Melissa
Some new toys, too
AND...she needs a new diet. We are now cooking for them. The vet is a big supporter of feeding them real food. Stating "do you know what they have to add to that dry dog food to help hold those kibble together and to have a 2 year shelf life?"
They get pretty excited when it is time to eat. We switched them all over to the new diet.
We are so thankful that Katy is doing so well now, but we sure hope she is not prone to having another stone because that is NOT a cheap surgery.

I will still share some stamping:

The retiring list of stamp sets, accessories, dies, etc. will be coming out at the end of the month so this is a warning of sorts.

The In Colors that will be retiring are:

Terracotta Tile, Seaside Spray, Tranquil Tide, Purple Posy and Rococo Rose.

There is no Purple Posy Ink, but there is all the other items with that color, 

What you will see retire will be the card stock, ink, ink refills, ribbons, Stampin' Blends, Markers
This photo shows the In-color 6x6 designer papers


I have no idea which stamp sets will retire, but if you have been waiting to purchase something, it's best you get it now before it is gone for good.
The In-Color items usually are the first to go out of stock so grab what you need before it is gone for good.
I will post the retiring list as soon as it is available.
So Here are the links to shop with me or to join my Stampin' Up! team
                             we would love to have you join us!!                                      

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Christi Waite, Christi's Creative Crew





Thanks so very much for letting me be your Stampin' Up! Demonstrator


Have an amazing day!




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